What´s like to study social work?

I´m in second year of social work and I chose this career because in 2019 I went to a religious camp, where with some friends visited the commune of Cerro Navia. We stayed in a school for two weeks and we went on mission to many houses in the commune. The experience of had met people that in my life I had known, was very emotional because the neighbors were very kind and humble with us. Those days marked my life and this experience helped me to choose which career I would study. Social work gives me all that I wanted, the opportunity of have connection with people and to change the vulnerability of systems.


Personally, has been hard to study online because is not what I expected about university. Study online is study all day, watch classes that I didn´t understood because of my bad internet, read a lot, do long essays, and in my "free time" clean the house. Basically I don´t have time to do what I like. Also, It´s sad that at the moment, I haven´t met my classmates, but I usually talk with a group of friends by zoom. I´m in my third semester and that means that I'm studying the theory of the career, so in my case study online has not been impossible. Even if I would love to study at the university, I´ve been learning anyway. I hope someday to meet the faculty and my classmates, because that would make me feel that I´m actually studying in the university.



  1. studying social science is very emotional sometimes because you get to know how bad inequality is, and that makes us want to make a change!

  2. Hi, I think that social work is an incredible and amazing career and the work of this career is very important to our society :)

  3. I love your determination to help others

  4. Good work. Here are some sentences suggestions: ....The experience to have met people that probably I wouldn't have ever met in my life...it was emotional...Personally, it has been hard .....classes that I didn't understand

  5. Yes, studying online it's very hard. But with help from others it's easier! If you someday need help with something, count on me.


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