English language challenges

In my opinion it wasn´t too difficult learn English at university. I could practice my pronunciation and learn about new words. I really enjoy talking in English because to me is funny speak with others specially in other language. About the use of blogs, they helped me to practice my writing and improve my communication, but sometimes I didn´t know what say hahaha. Reading blogs from my classmates helped me to practice my reading comprehension.

Some of the aspects of my English that I want to improve are learn more words to speak fluently and write with more vocabulary. To do this, I want to watch as much movies or series in English with subtitles, as I can. I would like to start practice English with my best friend Antonia, because she has a good manage with the language. And finally, in my vacations I would like to read some books in English.

Outside the English class, I don´t talk in English for example with my family or friends, but since I was 14 years old, I started to watch youtube videos in English without subtitles to practice my listening, and for that I could learn and practice a lot. I try to think what I have to do in my day or write my to do list in English to learn more words. By the next year I hope to improve my English in any way, and to achieve that, I was thinking to write songs and translate them. 


  1. Watch movies with English subtitles, it is a great idea to improve our English.

  2. I remember that a few years ago I began to watch English YouTube videos too! It's such a nice way to learn English.

  3. Other way to learn English, it's to follow "influencers" or bloggers on Instagram who speaks in English


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