My future job

I´m in second year of social work and honestly, I don´t know how many things a social worker can do. But I´ve been thinking that I see myself in a school, because I like the environment, talk with people and I think I´m good at handling problems.

Also, I´ve been thinking if I prefer an outdoor or indoor work, and I was thinking if I could work in both, because I would love to live in a rural area, with mountains around, lots of nature and pure air. So, I would like to work in a rural school, where I could work indoor with the students and the community and also being in my comfort zone surrounded by nature.

Although I don’t think working in a school let me travel a lot, but I would love to travel around the world and do other stuffs related with my career, even if I couldn´t make too much money, I´ll do it. Despite money gives security and sustainability, but for me money doesn´t reflect how happy I am. 

In a few years I would like to take a magister maybe in other country, because I want to live the experience of have an exchange, meet a new culture, people, traditions, etc.  Study in other university I think would be a dream for me.


  1. It is wonderful to know that you would like to work in a rural school, that is very necessary in our country because there a lot of them!

  2. I hope in the future you can find a job in a rural area that allows you to develop as a person and as a professional!

  3. I hope you can work in a rural school, as you wish. And have and exchange of course!


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