The pandemic

The pandemic has affected people in many ways, one of them is the stressed that provocates live in quarantine, limiting our social relationships and with the restriction of do not go outside if it´s not necessary. Another problem that people has going through this time, is that be locked up is exhausting, because it´s feels like every days is the same routine. 

This pandemic has changed the way we live, and telecommuting is the new way of work. The only problem with this method is that requires internet connection and sometimes if this one is not working well, that could be an obstacle for people that must have meetings online for example. Also, a new habit that people has started to do almost every day, that perhaps they didn´t practice before with frequency are: cook and keep the spaces of the house clean and organized. Another changes that we´ve been doing this pandemic, is do or practice activities that distract us, like for example: practice yoga, meditate, watch a series, to knit, play videogames, talk with friends by zoom, dance, and another activities. 

I think life after the pandemic will be very different, we definitely would be more conscious of our social relationships. We will continue wearing masks and having social distancing. I believe that this pandemic has taught us pretty much, and we´ll maintain some activities that we practice during the quarantine. 



  1. I agree with everything, we had to change our behavior in many ways and some of them are for good, like the cleaning.

  2. all this is true Javiera, I hope this ends soon; ( regards.

  3. It's an interesting way of seeing it, definitely the pandemic taught us a lot of things

  4. Good work. These are some mistakes that you can review: provokes or causes, not provocates, to live in quarentine, restriction like - not of, going outside, telecommuniction, cooking,


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